Shamganova Lyazzat Saevna at the Institute of Mining. D.A. Kunaev has been working since 1986. During her work, she has shown high diligence, perseverance, ability and ability to creatively, timely and skillfully cope with the tasks assigned to her when performing research topics. She takes an active part in the implementation of economic contract topics. According to the results of the research, pilot tests and completed economic contract topics, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Shamganova LS participated in the development of regulatory and methodological documents, which are currently put into effect at the mines of Zhezkazgan. Over the past decade, under her leadership, significant results have been achieved in the geomechanical support of the mining of mineral deposits based on the development of digital platforms. The team of the department, headed by Shamganova L.S., has a good scientific relationship with the largest mining enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, such as LLP Corporation "Kazakhmys", DonGOK, Sokolovo-Sarbaysky Combine, GOK "Kostanay Minerals", etc. He has more than 170 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, 6 copyright certificates, more than 8 educational and methodological guidelines, there are more than 19 publications in journals and collections cited in Scopus and Web of Science with a non-zero impact factor. Hirsch index - 2.


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Expiration date

Каз. политехнический инст. им.В.И.Ленина

Academic degree

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Graduation Date

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